The Journey of Changing Water Services Delivery in Kenya

  • Partner: Kenya Markets Trust, Gatsby Africa, UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)
  • Publication Type: Case Study
  • Date: December 2019
  • Team: MarketShare Associates
  • Recommended Citation: MarketShare Associates (August 2019). The Journey of Changing Water Services Delivery in Kenya. KMT Water Case Study 01. Nairobi, Kenya.

MarketShare Associates have been working closely with Kenya Markets Trust (KMT), with the aim of understanding and assessing the progress KMT has made towards creating systemic change. Throughout 2019 and 2020, MarketShare Associates’ research has led to key lessons and insights for KMT, for both their application of market systems approaches, and across each of the three markets they are active in.

This case study is focused on Kenya’s water sector, and specifically the service delivery sub-sector. It has three broad aims:

  1. Outline the historical context of the water services delivery system in Kenya, focusing on governance as a key theme.
  2. Assesses each of the workstreams KMT have been working within, including: the implementation of activities; where there is evidence of systemic change happening; what lessons have been learnt by KMT; and what future steps should now be taken.
  3. Draws together the findings into “systemic pathways”, which identify the key elements for continued progress towards systemic change.

The case study is the second in a series of three case studies prepared by MarketShare Associates.
