Investment Climate Reform Toolbox

  • Partner: Investment Climate Reform Facility (ICR Facility)
  • Publication Type: Toolkit
  • Date: September 2, 2021
  • Team: Ben Fowler and Friederike Strub
  • Recommended Citation:

The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Toolbox was designed by MSA for the ICR Facility for policy-makers and the business membership organizations in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and beyond. It is designed to respond to common challenges faced by those working to develop a business environment for a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable private sector. The toolbox includes straightforward, practical tools that require limited resources and time to apply, with step-by-step guidance and lessons learned from applying the tools in practice, as well as hands-on materials and a discussion of the potential for integrating cross-cutting topics such as gender, sustainability, and public-private dialogue.

Included in the toolbox are a set of novel tools developed by MSA for environmentally sustainable business environment reform: the Green Integration Checklist and Green Investment Strategy Diagnostic. These are the first concrete tools to focus on green private sector development specifically, aimed at developing country governments.
